Friday, December 22, 2006

The quest for a garage, part three

My brother and I was off to look at another garage this evening. This garage was one of the first ones I investigated but due to a lot of complications it fell through. On a whim I called one of the guys responsible for the garage, Anders, earlier this week and he said that things had finally worked out and that they had one spot left.

It's quite a small garage and I'm not entirely sure that they can actually squeeze my car in there but Anders thought that it would be just fine. He'd talk to the rest of the guys during the weekend and get back to me in 4-5 days.

I'm cautiously optimistic as I've seen a lot of deals fall through when it comes to garages. If this one works out though it should be a very good setup.

Sure, it's located smack dab in the middle of nowhere so I'll have to buy another car to get there (something I had hope to avoid) but the guys that occupy it seems to be really great guys and there's a lot of tools available.

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